Saturday, September 10, 2011

Posting is hard lol

Especially when you are continuously evolving.

Since I opened this blog, I have only posted one post and I have already changed my mind about it several times and tonight, I think its changing again.

For the longest time, I thought that the way I would escape the rat race was through real estate investing, most specifically, wholesaling. It is true that it is relatively easy, requiring no credit and no money and little time put in for a nice check....and I'm still going to/am wholesaling.

But I don't think I want to do this specifically to live on, day in and day out. Then, after I realized that and found my local real estate group, I wanted to be a buy and hold real estate investor or in lay men's terms, a landlord. I liked the different ways I could make money (HELLO, depreciation! lol) and I still would like to make money including this in what I do,.....but just a little differently than I first learned it.

Now, I think that I want to be a debt free real estate investor. I mean, think about I am, struggling, crying, sweating and bleeding to get out from under this MOUND of debt that Ive managed to accumulate thus far....only to get into even MORE debt just to hold the property?!? Debt is DEBT. Should I become a vegetable, God forbid, tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to pay back that property debt just like I wouldn't be able to pay back credit card debt.

So, that begs the question, why is this guy the ONLY person teaching this?....especially in this economic climate!?

More and more people are realizing what's truly important in this life as companies and corporations value human resources less and less and its becoming abundantly clear that what you had sitting in your driveway, or lining your closet is on BORROWED TIME.

Anyway, I think im going to look into this debt free investing a little bit more. Don't get me wrong, right now, I'm a wholesaler...I need cash to get out of this hole we're in...and then once I'm able I need to be able to buy properties to flip and/or to buy free and clear.

Part of this debt free investing or becoming what's called a 'Lifeonaire', is that you design the life you want FIRST and then design your business to support that design the best. Well, I most definitely have the life design down first. I did that here. Now, I'm just onto the designing the business to best support it part.

Always learning...always growing and I love that. :)

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