Saturday, October 15, 2011

Its new year's eve for me

New Year's eve, as in December 31 is all well and good....but its kinda arbitrary to me. Without going into all the history about how the modern calendar came about and all the different New Year's Eve's celebrated across the globe, December 31 is kinda just another day to me.

But my REAL New Year's eve is today...October 15th. Why, you ask? Because tomorrow is my birthday and as far as IM concerned, thas where MY time began and what I should truly be celebrating. I mean think about it, its the day that YOU entered time, so why not celebrate THAT day as your New Year? Am I right or am I right?

Anywho lol, so today is New Year's Eve, so Im in reflection mode and all that. How good was my year, was I a blessing to others, was it a rough year, did I achieve my goals for the year and on and on and on. I think I did alright this year, could have done WAY better, but I did ok. This year was all about laying the foundation and getting my mind/psyche right. There are things I learned this year that I will carry with me the rest of my life....and thas a GOOD thing!

So now, you must be asking, do you create New Year's resolutions? Eh, yes and no. I think resolutions are doomed to fail, but rolling, continually renewed goals are good to have and that's how I do it. I have personal goals and business goals (which really intertwine to be honest). I can share a few goals I have for my new year here if you want...

Escape the rat race! (duh, check the name of my blog)

Become debt free (even student loans)

Become great and consistent at baking sourdough bread

Start and finish NROLFW (lifting weight program)

Volunteer at local Boys and Girls Club

Start my container food forest

Purchase a side of beef and pig

Travel overseas

So yea, there ya go, thas a hefty goal list, dontcha think? I can do it though, I can prolly do that by the half year mark if I REALLY get on my grind, but I will be more than happy that if by the next New Year's Eve this basic goal list has been achieved. So now its all about breaking them down, working backwards.

So, once I work my first goal, escaping cubicle nation as it were, backwards to today, my tasks are to write out my yellow letters, stuff envelopes to mail later today or tomorrow. Im pretty much going to write them by hand myself. I dont have time to print out my own handwriting and then scan and adjust and print them perfectly on each yellow piece of paper and all that,...I'd rather just do it myself. I have two lists I can hit, but i'd like to purchase a high equity absentee list from Listsource even though I figured out how to pull absentee owners from the online tax records...only problem is I would have to look up each out of state owner to see if the property they have has any equity, blech. Once I get a VA, that will be an awesome task I can give them to do, but I need to get a deal done first to afford/justify the VA lol.

Also, I will be setting up my Google Adwords campaign. I figure, I'll start out at $10 a month and go up from there. I'm really excited, I feel like a boss because im behaving like a BOSS!

Every night when I visualize the life that im working towards as already true, I can hardly get to sleep. I toss and turn while smile to myself and my heart flutters and pounds at the excitement. Its a good exercise to do, you should try it. :)

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