Thursday, October 20, 2011

Yellow letter campagin cometh

So yea, thas what Im working on now, getting my yellow letter campaign up and running. According to like.....every real estate investor online anyway, yellow letters are a BEAST at pulling leads, so im bout that now lol. I have like 3 lists thus far, 2 ive already sent postcards to once (and i got one lil call back lol) but the other I haven't bought yet (its in my Listsource queue to be purchased tomorrow). So now all Ive been doing all week is writing my yellow letters BY HAND.

Yea, THIS sucks lol.

I mean, my hand is not cramping or anything but LAWD, i cant wait until I have enough cheese to pay someone ELSE to do this for me, lol. But until then, I gotta do it. I got my letter from reading REI forums to see what others are sending out. I hope I get a decent response, but if I dont, I will just tweak it.

I would like to buy one more list of inheritance leads from USLeadslist, but everytime I call up there, dudes are busy and we play phone tag. Plus, I dont think I can even afford their list right now, but I would like to find out what they offer at least.

Anywho, I also have resolved to "wear" my magnetic bandit sign on my car all weekend. Granted, im not going to be in my market (at least im not planning on going down there), but i think it will be good to do anyway. Only thing is im afraid its gonna fly off. Its nooooot exactly flush on my car, its a little big, so i dunno. I mean, either way, i dont use it or i use it and it flies off, at least the latter means I may get some eyeballs on it thus some calls from it lol. I dunno, we'll see.

I need to network to get some realtors on my team, most specifically a HUD realtor. I dunno if I wanna do the cold calling bit or just network it out at the local REI groups in area (much more appealing, i think lol). There is actually a REI group going on right this second (yea, i suck for not going but hey lol), but I need to pencil these things into my calendar to actually attend them lol.

Im fighting fatigue from my job though. All my 9 to 5'ers who cant stand their jobs know this.


I go to work and im on 90mph all day, im dragging myself from task to task to task and by the time i hit home, all i wanna do is SLEEP! I mean, this week has probably been exceptionally bad, im not usually this sleepy....I mean at this point, i dont even wanna eat anything (dunno what thas all I about, i LOVE food lol).

The way I figure it, i need to do at least two things....I need to wake up earlier (yea that sounds backwards, but this facilitates me eating breakfast which is IMPORTANT and getting in some quiet time before work) and I need to re-start hitting the gym (i mean, i AM paying for it lol). Both of these, from past experiences, gives me a jolt of energy, either early in the day or when i get home. Plus, HOPEFULLY, work SHOULD be slowing down here in the next few weeks with the holidays and all that (and i have a few off days I need to use [can you say courthouse auction networking for buyers!] before I lose them at the end of the year...yea, reason #4088 I cant wait to leave corporate america lol).

Anyway, lemme see if I can knock out at least 20 of these yellow letters tonight before I pass out lol.

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